Enrollment Management Operating Principles:
- Relationships - Professional, trustworthy and caring relationships are critical to a strong foundation allowing us to work together as a highly effective team to handle whatever challenges come our way.
- Communication - Effective, open, honest and timely communication is key to sustaining healthy relationships.
- Innovation - We value innovation and creativity in solving problems and improving work processes and outcomes which means we accept the inevitability that mistakes are part of innovation.
- Staff - Our staff members are our most valuable resource. We seek opportunities to empower each staff member to excel.
- Student Centeredness - We put the well being and success of students at the center of all or our work.
- Synergy - We value synergy across programs, across units and across institutions to make our work more seamless and efficient. By working together, our results will be much greater than individual efforts.
- Shared Governance – We support and embrace the long and strong history of collaboration among faculty, administration, staff and students as part of the decision making process.
- Technology - Technology will be embraced to increase service levels, accuracy and efficiency.
Enrollment Management embodies the UCSC Principles of Community (adopted June, 2001) and the UC Statement of Ethical Values (adopted May, 2005).
The University of California, Santa Cruz is committed to promoting and protecting an environment that values and supports every person in an atmosphere of civility, honesty, cooperation, professionalism and fairness.
UCSC expects that every campus member will practice these Principles of Community.
Diverse: We embrace diversity in all its forms and we strive for an inclusive community that fosters an open, enlightened and productive environment.
Open: We believe free exchange of ideas requires mutual respect and consideration for our differences.
Purposeful: We are a participatory community united by shared commitments to: service to society; preservation and advancement of knowledge; and innovative teaching and learning.
Caring: We promote mutual respect, trust and support to foster bonds that strengthen the community.
Just: We are committed to due process, respect for individual dignity and equitable access to resources, recognition and rewards.
Disciplined: We seek to advance common goals through reasonable and realistic practices, procedures and expectations.
Celebrative: We celebrate the heritage, achievements and diversity of the community and the uniqueness and contributions of our members.
We accept the responsibility to pursue these principles in an atmosphere of personal and intellectual freedom, security, respect, civility and mutual support.
UC Statement of Ethical Values
Members of the University of California community are committed to the highest ethical standards in furtherance of our mission of teaching, research and public service. We recognize that we hold the University in trust for the people of the State of California. Our policies, procedures, and standards provide guidance for application of the ethical values stated below in our daily life and work as members of this community.
We are committed to:
- Integrity - We will conduct ourselves with integrity in our dealings with and on behalf of the University.
- Excellence - We will conscientiously strive for excellence in our work.
- Accountability - We will be accountable as individuals and as members of this community for our ethical conduct and for compliance with applicable laws and University policies and directives.
- Respect - We will respect the rights and dignity of others.